Omega Healthcare Medical Equipments SupplierOmega Healthcare Medical Equipments Supplier

Pulse Oximeters

Pulse Oximeters

Pulse oximeters are an invaluable diagnostic tools because of ease of use, portability, and applicability in a wide range of clinical settings


We offer a large selection  of handheld and finger pulse oximeters  that offer highly accurate readings


The range of pulse oximeters for home use include  models  with  LED multi-color graphics display screen and rapidly detect changes in your blood oxygen level .They are  easy to use , accurate and reliable  and  allows you to easily obtain your SpO2 and pulse rate anywhere.  


Using a pulse oximeter at home can be useful for monitor the heart rate and oxygen saturation during sports activities, sports at high altitudes(e.g. mountaineering, skiing and aviation sports and for persons with heart failure, emphysema, and bronchitis , asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases or sleep apnoea.


It is not recommend that members of the public with health problems to use oximeters at home unless they have been advised to do so by a qualified clinician. At-home pulse oximetry is no substitute for medical advice and shouldn't be relied upon without clinical input.


It provides continuous, non-invasive monitoring of oxygen saturation of haemoglobin in arterial blood and the results are updated with each pulse wave.

The best way to track your heart rate and oxygen level is by taking a reading three times a day at the same time every day and keeping a diary of each reading.

The  selection  include hand held pulse oximeters  for both paediatric and adult ideal for critical care and  emergency medical services and easy to use finger tip monitors 


Our brands include Beurer ChoiceMed  Health Air and NONIN and Timesco